PT. Bintang Samudra Utama – Tanjung Priok Branch is currently managed by Jakarta Head Office operations Team with separate PORT OPERATIONS TEAM members. Tanjung Priok Operations team is responsible to handle port matters for all vessels calling Tanjung Priok Port and Branch Office covered area such : Sunda Kelapa, Marunda, Muara Tawar, Ancol PLTU Ports.
Tanjung Priok Operations Team Member
Since He was a cadet in 2007, Dani has joined with PT. Bintang Samudra Utama – Tuban Branch, he is one very familiar and capable to embark and stay on board of a Tanker during berthing at SBM for cargo operations. In 2009 after graduating his Marine Academy he back to join this organisation in Jakarta Head Office. Tanjung Priok Branch office started the operations in 2010 and Roben has been assigned to taking good care of Port Operations in the Office. This handsome guy does not like Desk Jobs, thus he prefer to stay on board or run around at the ports. His main role is boarding to vessel during port stay, attending safety and prior cargo operations meeting, dealing with ship’s officers, government formalities related offices and other port operations tasks.